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これが本物 ポメラニアンカルテット♪

これが本物 ポメラニアンカルテット♪

World copying .Copy【福者】とは


2008年か2009年に私のWindows XPのマイドキュメントの中のマイピクチャーで妙な現象がありました。




2017年からToyono Bluetoothは行政防災無線に移行しているので何度も総務省へ連絡していました。

私はこの日記とメモをGREE従業員に盗まれたWindows XP、私のHDDへ書いています。

It will be an international crime probably to make the WAN side IP address and the LAN side IP address agree with "to do it to send you flying to the world" that GREE TV station says.

There was a strange phenomenon in my picture in the My Documents of my Windows XP in 2008 or 2009.
I recovered from it all too soon.

A tilde sign is attached to the file name of the same photograph when I open the folder.

It increased to the photograph at the time of the traffic accident that there was of the bruise which the Ms.Namatamago(it is not egg) which I thought to be a friend (Yamamoto of the land thief) attached by an email in those days.

Well, Toyono-town government office, the GREE employees are blown off by Bluetooth together, too.
Because GREE employee communalizes my private personal information and personal data. Those routing seems to remain.

As Toyono Bluetooth shifted to administrative disaster prevention radio from 2017, I contacted Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications many times.

I am writing it to Windows XP that had its this diary and memo stolen by GREE employee, my HDD.


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